University of Alicante
Who are we?
The University of Alicante is a strategic and core partner as its Faculty of Health Sciences, especially wellknown in Spain for its Nursing Department, Public Health Department and Health Psychology Department, is one of the most productive faculties regarding healthcare research and education in Spain and its professors’ professional background and curricula, being currently in the top three faculty rankings in terms of Education Quality in Spain. This Faculty has achieved through years a wide network of healthcare institutions (national and internationally) and clinical collaborators regarding all academic levels and disciplines in the health field. It now offers different Undergraduate and Master Degrees as well as PhDs on Health Sciences, with different research guidelines and led by research experts audited nationally and recognised internationally. Currently the Faculty of Health Sciences has more than 1,500 students enrolled across all their qualifications, with the increase in students since 2000 of 36.2%. Research in health sciences is now 16% of the scientific income of the Alicante University. The scientific production places the faculty in a prominent position among the other centres of this HEI. Teaching staff have achieved over the past 5 years almost one million euros in research grants and contracts. The current academic status of the Faculty is excellent, as a significant effort has been made in the continuous improvement of its training and research plans, and its training capacity is supported quantitatively by the high number of students who complete their studies each year.
Why we are Participating in the Project
The University of Alicante and concretely its Faculty of Health Sciences is one of the Spanish higher institutions hosting more incoming international students from the health professions in the country and also sending outgoing ones. Through the years the Faculty’s International Mobility Coordination has understood the need to support healthcare students’ internationalisation within a unified framework useful for all the different European contexts where they are trained and based on quality improvement standards.
Our Role in the Project
The University of Alicante will contribute actively in all parts of the HEALINT4ALL project due to their experience in training national and international students from the different health disciplines and academic levels and also due to their relations with other higher education institutions in Spain regarding the same studies. Moreover the University of Alicante and its team played an outstanding part in the previous funded project named as HEALINT.
Our Team

Manuel Lillo-Crespo
He lectures in different Health Studies and at different Academic levels at the University of Alicante. He is the former International Mobility Coordinator for the Faculty and his areas of expertise are: Educational Research for Health professions, Healthcare Management and Administration mainly based on Improvement Science and Quality Improvement, Qualitative Research applied to Health Sciences and Healthcare/clinical Anthropology. Nowadays, he is an active researcher and team lead on different European Commission funded Research Projects such as: HEALINT (previous to HEALINT4ALL), ISTEW Project (Improvement Science Training for European Healthcare Workers); Palliare Project (Evidence informed dementia care and family caring in the middle and advanced stages), PPS Project (Peer to peer Support fostering Active and Healthy Aging), MATE Project (Multidimensional Analytical Training in Education), Lights4Violence Project, Procare, e-MOTION. In the clinical field, he is also the CNO (Chief Nursing Officer) at HLA Vistahermosa Hospital (one of the hospitals hosting international students from the University of Alicante) having transitioned through different management positions in the last years. He is a fellow of the Academy of Nursing in Spain and fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. ORCID:
Twitter: @manuellilloc

Jorge Riquelme Galindo
He is a PhD candidate and Master degree in Nursing Research. He is the Nursing Coordinator of Intensive Care Unit and Interventional Cardiology. At the same time he is adjunct clinical teacher at the CEU University in Elche and international incoming students´mentor at HLA Vistahermosa. Member of the Mediterranean Gerontological Association and Health Network of Elder People in Latin America. He combines the clinical field with the academical participating as a researcher in different European Projects focused in Cognitive Stimulation in Young & Elder Population, Healthcare Improvement Science, Advanced Dementia Care & Training, Standarisation of Education & Training and Implemention of Evidence Based Practices in Hospitals. He has participated in different European Commission funded Projects such as HEALINT (previous to HEALINT4ALL).